Research Articles
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- an act for life.
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Best regards
Leila Eriksen
Articles and information regarding research:
- What is reflexology Research (pdf)
- Finding Scientific Research (pdf)
- Research (pdf)
- Evidence Based Practice (pdf)
- A Guide in Securing the Quality of Research Projects for Alternative Therapists
- Reflexology - A Therapy form in Progress
- Reflexology Clients Denmark and Sweden
- Reflexology & Acupuncture for Migraine (pdf)
- Health Journals/Consultation sheets for Alternative Practitioner
- Guide Pamphlet for Alternative Practitioners regarding journals/Consultation Sheet
Articles and information regarding cancer children:
- A mom tells about her experience
- Reflexology for children with cancer
- Reflexology to a cancerfaily in DK
- The Danish Association og Cancer Children
- Pediatric Reflexology - Evidence based practice(PDF)
Brugerinformation: - - - |
Vision, fokus og interesseområde: Kvalitetsudvikling af CAM området, så målrettede indsatser kan medvirke til bedre livskvalitet og øgning af evnen til at mestre egen situation.. |